Massage & Laser Therapy for Pets
CALL Jeannine @ 613 878 1962
A Typical Treatment
Arctic Therapy service is based upon a mobile service where you and your pet do not have to leave your home. The first visit (meet and greet) takes takes a minimum of an hour.
The proceeding sessions take 30 minutes minimum depending on the amount of areas needed to be treated.
No sedation is needed and you can be the assistant while holding and comforting your pet. Most pets love the feeling and rarely need any more restraint than you gently holding it.
A combination of massage and laser is performed. The pet can choose his/her favorite spot which is sometimes on the floor or maybe on a chair with me. It all depends on what is most comfortable and the size of the dog.
It’s a priority for the pet to be comfortable so that the treatment can be done successfully. In most cases the pet will become more relaxed after each progressive treatment.
What To Expect After Treatment
The Signs of healing can be noticed right after treatment, hours later or in the next day or two. Depending on the severity and condition of the pet’s health the result and speed of healing will vary.