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Let your Dog Experience


Homemade Meals


Cooked Chicken Dinner




The measurements are a rough idea.  Use amounts that will fill the size of pot used.


pieces of chicken with skin removed and bones removed.  


8-10 medium Carrots

1 small Cabbage


Chop and put all ingredients in either a pot, slowcooker, or pressure cooker.

Once cooled store some in portions and freeze and refridgerate some.

When it's time to heat the food it's best to use stove rather than microwave.


Doggie Recipes



To enhance the nutrition add a  1/2 tsp Turmeric and 1 tsp Olive Oil.

It's a great anti inflammatory for dogs with arthritis especially our senior dogs.


Dogs love Ginger, too so adding about 1/2 tsp of fresh grated ginger is great for digestion.







Below is a Fresh Ginger Root

and Powdered Turmeric



My dog was 7 years old when I started to make  home made meals.  I was a little concerned about balanced nutrition.  Logic and a little research fixed that for me.  It's really no more difficult than looking after our children.  As a matter of fact I think children are more often fed worse meals than some of our pets.  I got criticised and questioned about it, either I was going overboard or taking a risk of harming my companions.  There is more nutrition in the home made meals than the pet food guidelines which only require minimum of what a dog needs to survive.  I want my dogs to live long and healthy not just squeak through on a short life.

The best guideline for nutrition is a variety which gives the balance needed.  It's less costly to make the meals rather than buy the already prepared organic food.  Even while not using organic ingredients, it's still a far superior meal program for your dog.  

The Benefits of sprouting
I've been sprouting for several years with great enjoyment and health benefits for myself and my pets.  Sprouting has many benefits as follows:
It can provide up to 100 times more enzymes in sprouts than uncooked fruits and vegetables.
The quality of the protein in the beans, nuts, seeds, or grains improves when it is sprouted.
The fiber content of the beans, nuts, seeds, or grains increases substantially.
The Vitamin content increases dramatically.
The Essential fatty acid content increases during the sprouting process.
The minerals bind to protein in the seed, grain, nut, or bean, making them more useable in the body.
The sprouts are the ultimate locally-grown food.  Grown by You!
Sprouts are inexpensive.
Remember to do your own research and validate the information for yourself.  Don't always take someone's word for the most part.
There is a variety of ways to use fresh sprouts
Use them fresh in salads and soups and other recipies.
If you really want to get adventurous they can be pulverized into  protein powder.
Click the PDF file below for the Mung Bean Sprouts.
     Mung Beans
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