Massage & Laser Therapy for Pets
CALL Jeannine @ 613 878 1962
About Arctic Therapy
A nimal
R elief
C omfort
T ranquility
I mprovement
C ompassion

Arctic Therapy was created by me with a goal to provide a high quality in home laser therapy service for pets. My husky dog was a huge inspiration in this accomplishment. This service is guided upon three principals:
Compassion Integrity
I love what I'm doing and I'm doing what I love.
My goal is to reach out and help as many companion pets as possible. It's a priority in my service to provide a non-invasive and effective pain relief for your pets in a way that is convenient for you and comfortable for your pet. Making an in home service a part of the program helps to make it possible in having a pleasant experience in this holistic therapy. Arctic Therapy is a very specific type of therapy service which I perform personally with a set of principal goals in mind in getting RESULTS. This requires spending longer periods of time with your pet and treating more sites in one session without extra charges. It's worth the extra time as the results are rewarding!
As a Certified Laser/Massage Therapist, I have experienced how laser therapy can improve a pet's quality of life. The results are truly rewarding for me and both the pet and parents. I take it very personally and to heart how so many pets could benefit from this natural and safe approach to wellness. It comes "Straight From The Heart."
After a session staying in touch with the pet parents is very important so that I know how the pet is feeling over the first 24 hours and it supports and comforts the family members in understanding how the healing process works.
Ask me if Arctic Therapy is right for our Fur Friend's ailment. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Let's improve the quality of life for your Furry Companion.
See you soon!